The Northern Oklahoma Section of the American Chemical Society (NOK ACS) proudly invites you to attend their annual NOK ACS Technician of the Year Award ceremony on October 23 at 2pm.
Over the last 70 years, NOK ACS has supported and promoted chemistry in the communities of Bartlesville, Ponca City, and surrounding areas. Awards sponsored by NOK ACS recognize chemists at every level of proficiency, from high school seniors with aspirations to study chemistry, to seasoned technicians and chemists.
Every year, The NOK ACS Technician of the Year Award honors excellence and professionalism among technicians, operators, analysts, and other applied chemical technology professionals within the Northern Oklahoma Local Section. Nominations are judged based on technical achievements, leadership, mentoring, communications/publications, awards, community outreach, contributions to quality, safety, and other initiatives.
Three winners of the 2018 NOK ACS Technician of the Year Award were selected this year. The Overall Winner is Laura Nielsen, of Phillips 66. Two additional winners were selected: Jared Barr and Tony Crain, both of Chevron Phillips Chemical.
NOK ACS will honor Laura, Jared, and Tony at an award ceremony scheduled for October 23th, 2:00-3:00PM in the Cafeteria at the Phillips 66 Research Center.
Please join us in congratulating this year’s winners.
Matt Lundwall, Chair, NOK ACS
Chad Ellis, Chair-Elect, NOK ACS

*Originally posted by Elena Platon on October 8, 2018 at 11:45 AM