Welcome from the Chair!
Hi, Northwest Ohio Chemists! It's been awhile since we've had the web page updated. So, it's time for a refresh!
The 2018-19 academic year was a busy one for everyone in in the Northwest Central Ohio section. We once again had a strong presence at both the Fall National meeting in Boston and Spring meeting in Orlando. Plus, our section was in Midland, MI for the Central Regional meeting in June. Speaking of which, the next meeting (CERM 2020) will be back in the Buckeye state at the end of May next year. So, mark your calendars and watch for updates soon (we've posted a link to the Central Region below). The local section also sponsored a number of events and activities, including several Program In a Box (PIB) evenings, social events, and special seminars. We even celebrated 60 years of service to the ACS by one of our very own. Congrats to Dr. Byron Hawbecker at Ohio Northern University!
We will be on summer break until August but plan on starting back up with activities soon thereafter. As always, feel free to reach out to me with event ideas or topics. The email for the local section is: nwcohioacs@gmail.com . We'd love to hear from you and have you get involved in your local section.
-Nate Tice
NWC Ohio Local Section Chair