Q: Is there form capability?
A: Yes, there is a form function built in that accepts up to 1000 responses per month.
Q: Is there a polling function?
A: Yes, Webs.com has partnered with Polldaddy. They have a widget that can be found in the widget bank under Tools.
Q: Is there forum functionality?
A: Yes, there is a forum feature that can be activated. Additionally, the ACS Network may be used to facilitate discussions (www.acs.org/network). We are investigating creating a widget which would facilitate easy access and use of the
ACS Network from your site.
Q: Will there be any provisions for setting up online voting?
A: There is no single solution for online voting/balloting/elections that ACS recommends. However, we have seen both votenow.com and Survey Monkey successfully used for voting purposes.