Overall Content

People scan for the keyword they are looking for, whether it is in a paragraph or list of links. Therefore, text has to be written in such a way so that it is easy to scan. Links should contain the keyword that is meaning to people and is something they are most likely will be looking for.Remember, it’s harder for people to read a lot of text online, as opposed to printed material.

  • Review your site and try to update the content often. Remove obsolete information.
  • Check your spelling, especially in the global navigation.
  • Don’t create very long pages with news items. If the specific piece of content is long, give a link (title of news item) and a short description. Post the rest of the content on another page.
  • Write short, concise sentences.
  • Use plain language – avoid using fancy words, if possible.
  • Keep paragraphs short.
  • Make sure you update the site with the latest information. Users can easily lose trust in a site (and with the organization) if they find inconsistencies between pages, or if they find something old labeled "new".
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