Table of Contents.
Officers of the Section.
Committees of the Section.
Membership - Activation, Retention and Services.
Local Section Information Provider.
Local Section List Serve.
Red River Valley Local Section # 521 size: small
Area covered: North western Minnesota and Eastern North Dakota approximately from Bemidji to Breckenridge in Minnesota and the rectangle from the Red River to Valley City in North Dakota. In reality, the Local Section reaches out to chemists and chemistry students in all of North Dakota.
Mailing address: Officers designate their own local address for receipt of official mail.
Web URL:
ACS Speakers tour: Heartland
Bylaws last amended: 23 August, 1989.
1 January | New Officers assume Office. |
mid January | Local Section Leadership Conference. |
22 January | Complete and return Participation Response Form to USNCO office. |
25 January | Order USNCO Local Section Exams. |
mid February | Annual Report due to the ACS Office of Local Section Activities. |
Treasurer receives payment for dues collected by National for second half of previous year. | |
28 February | Form 1099-misc and form 1096 to IRS. |
mid March | Current year allotment mailed to Treasurer, provided annual report was filed by 15 February. |
Membership roster mailed to Secretary. | |
mid April | Names of students taking US National Chemistry Olympiad exam due. |
15 May | IRS form 990 and any other required IRS forms. |
mid May | Membership roster mailed to Secretary. |
mid July | Membership roster mailed to Secretary. |
1 August | Treasurer receives payment for dues collected by National for January through June of the current year. |
mid September | Membership roster mailed to Secretary. |
21 September | List of nominees for office shall be presented to the Secretary by the Nominating Committee. |
7 October | Nominations by petition must be submitted to Secretary by this date. |
21 October | Executive Committee meets on or before this date to vote on accepting the entire list of nominees. |
10 November | Ballots shall be sent to the general membership on or before this date. |
mid November | Membership roster mailed to Secretary. |
28 November | All ballots cast must be returned by this date to be counted. |
1 December | Secretary must certify to the ACS Executive Director the names and terms of all Councilors, alternate councilors [ACS ByLaw III, Section 1 (a-4 and e2)] and section officers and committee chairs for the succeeding year. |
Nominations for High School Chemistry Teaching Awards due to ACS Awards Office. | |
15 December | Treasurer must sign and return the Section allotment vouchers for succeeding year. |
staggered three year terms | annual
| | | | | | |
Alternate Councilor Chair Chair Secretary Treasurer Members-at-Large
Councilor | Elect
appoints chairs
bylaw | ad hoc
| |
Membership - Nat Chem Week
Chemical Education - Awards News Letter
Nominating Committee Information Provider
Program - Publicity USNCO
Governance in the Red River Valley Section of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is entrusted to the officers elected by the membership during our annual election. The Chair, as chief executive officer, has overall responsibility in promoting the will of the Section's membership within the confines of our charter. Aiding the Chair is the Executive Committee, which is comprised of elected officers, councilors, appointed chairs, and Members at large. Past officers should help and mentor the present officers if called upon to do so.
Committee chairs are appointed by, and are accountable to, the Chair. The incoming Chair has the option of reappointing the present committee chairs. In addition to other officers and chairs which comprise a given committee, chairs are encouraged to appoint other members to their respective committees at their discretion. Doing so will enhance the pool of future officers.
For continuity, the nominating committee should consider members with past governance experience as these individuals, if interested, will be the future officers of the Section.
The executive committee meets monthly (except for December, June, July and August) to monitor and assess the progress of current activities of the Section. E-mail communication among members of the Committee is used to facilitate interaction, especially with those members from Bemidji and western North Dakota. The membership of the executive committee consists of the following elected positions.
bylaw V, Section 1. The officers of the section shall be a:
bylaw V, Section 2. The Section shall have Councilors and Alternate Councilors as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY.
bylaw V, Section 3. The Executive Committee shall consist of
bylaw V, Section 4. All officers, Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and other persons elected by the members, shall be chosen from the MEMBERS.
bylaw VII, Section 2. The Chair of the Section shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. As soon as possible after beginning her/his term of office, the Chair shall fill the vacancies on all standing and any special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
bylaw IX, Section 3. The Chair and Chair-Elect shall serve as ex-officio members of the Program-Publicity Committee with the Chair-Elect serving as chair of the Committee. This Committee shall arrange the program and publicity for the regular meetings of the Section.
The supervision, coordination, and overall direction of Section activities are the primary and ongoing functions of the Section's Chair. The Chair provides leadership for the Section's officers and committee chairs, while encouraging these persons to participate actively in both the decision-making process and in the day-to-day operation of the Section. From an abstract of the Resource Manual for Local Section Officers of the American Chemical Society we find the following responsibilities defined in addition/parallel to those stated above by the bylaws of the Section:
The Chair-Elect serves as program chair and has the principal responsibility for arranging the details of the Section's meeting program for the year. In addition, the chair-elect frequently serves as the host for Section speakers. The Chair-Elect is invited each year to attend a Local Section Leadership Conference which provides ideas about programs, resources, and activities available for Section leaders.
The Secretary provides continuity and therefore may serve several consecutive terms.
The Secretary shall have responsibility for:
The Treasurer provides continuity and therefore may serve several consecutive terms. A more detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer can be found in latest rendition of the Handbook for ACS Local Section Treasurers. In summary, the Local Section Treasurer:
Section officers should ensure that all candidates for councilor seats can and will attend most, if not all, of the Council meetings during their three year terns of office. To help achieve a high level of councilor attendance at Council meetings, National ACS provides partial reimbursement to sections to support councilor travel to National meetings. Details are sent with each Council agenda.
The Executive committee shall include at least five and no more than eight Members-at-Large. A member at large shall represent the general membership. As such, Members-at-large shall bring before the Executive Committee such items of concern to members of the Section as shall have been brought to their attention, as well as have a working knowledge of the National and Local Section ByLaws, so that they may act as counsel to the Executive Committee. The Member-at-Large can also be a Committee chair.
bylaw IX, Section 4. The Membership - Activation, Retention and Services Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and Secretary as ex-officio members and one member from each constituency not represented by the two ex-officio members.
The Membership - Activation, Retention and Services Committee shall be responsible for soliciting new members, acquainting new members with the Section, and establishing means to provide services to the membership for the Section.
The committee members might wish to elaborate?
bylaw IX, Section 3. The Chair and Chair-Elect shall serve as ex-officio members of the Program-Publicity Committee with the Chair-Elect serving as chair of the Committee. This Committee shall arrange the program and publicity for the regular meetings of the Section.
Members of this Committee change according to the schedule of Section meetings. Institution representatives participate as determined by the sites where meeting rooms and dinner facilities are required.
bylaw IX, Section 5. The Education-Awards Committee shall be responsible for arranging the educational activities of the Section and for making nominations for awards to be given by the Section.
Although listed here, the latter six activities have recently been propagated via ad hoc committee or individual action. Unification as subcommittee functions under this committee seems more appropriate.
bylaw VI, Section 4. A Nominating Committee of four members representative of the
demographic distribution of MEMBERS of the Section shall be appointed by the Chair. This committee shall prepare a slate of nominees consisting of at least one candidate for each office and a short biographical sketch for each candidate. This list shall be included in the notice for the October meeting which notice shall be sent to all members not later than one
week before the meeting..
Harmon will be sending this soon.
The Local Section List Serve might provide a means to transact many of the jobs assigned to the Secretary. Communication of meetings, circulation of election ballots, ... to the members of the Section. With a little work, the need for paper notices sent via USPS can be virtually eliminated. could become the source of meeting information?