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2016 Events

New Contributor III
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Nov. 30 - Research & Craft Beer - C-7 Substituted Artemisinin Derivatives - Dr. Paulo Carvalho, OLLU Feik School of Pharmacy 


Oct 11 - The Chemists Code for Success:  3 Essential Skills for Your Career - Program-in-a-Box presentation/webinar from the National ACS - OLLU 


Aug 29 - Annual Project SEED Presentations - Our Lady of the Lake University 


June 27th - Annual Summer Family Social & Picnic - good food, good friends, good chemistry jokes! 


May 17th - Annual Awards Banquet was held at OLLU with Keynote Speaker Dr. Donna J. Nelson, 2016 ACS National President 


April 18th - Presentation from Dr. Diana Mason - "What Started in Texas has Changed the World" - held at Mad Pecker Brewing.  A fabulous presentation of Texas history and Texans' contributions to the world.  Did y'all know that Texas is the only state with an official State Molecule??


Our first meeting of 2016 was an ACS Program-in-a-Box presentation entitled "The Role of Chemistry in Global Security" on 02/09/2016 at Our Lady of the Lake University, complete with pizza & sodas.