Recognizing that senior chemists already do a lot for local section leadership, still there is much more that our senior members can do for you? Also senior members have special needs. What are seniors doing in your section?
Do you have luncheons for seniors considering they may not be able to drive at night or may need transport to evening affairs? Are senior chemists supporting college career and networking events for you?
It would be great if Senior Chemists were invited to the local sectional conferences to serve as judges for the poster sessions. Currently, it is always a mad rush to find ACS member attendees to do this job, since most are still active employees and are oftentimes busy organizing various other aspects of the program. Seniors can arrive a little bit early and ask their questions before it becomes very busy and the poster presenters are speaking to other attendees about their work. We oftentimes find that the judging process takes so long that it delays the Awards and Keynote speaker presentations so that money and ribbons can be awarded.