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Senior Chemists Coffee Social Hour: ACS in a Challenging Year of Social Change

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If you’ve enjoyed the Senior Chemists Breakfast at previous national meetings, we’re looking forward to your attendance again for the “Senior Chemists Coffee Social Hour: ACS in a Challenging Year of Social Change.” This virtual event will take place on Tuesday, August 25 at 1:00 p.m., EDT.  Drs. Bibiana Campos Seijo (Editor in Chief, Chemical & Engineering News) and Rolf Halden (Professor at the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment at Arizona State University) will provide updates on the recent challenges that ACS and society at large have experienced – the novel coronavirus and racism. The most recent ACS Legacy Leaders will also be recognized. We look forward to having you join us. However, you will need to provide your own coffee or a beverage of your choice. This webinar is co-produced with the ACS Senior Chemists Committee, the ACS Development Office, and ACS Webinars. There is no charge for the event.