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Should the eligibility to be a member of Senior Chemists be a different age?

New Contributor III
2 17 4,593

Currently, the Senior Chemists Newsletter is sent to every ACS member by email online if they are over 50+, unless they let us know they would rather not receive it.

It was discussed that perhaps raising it to 55 would be a bit better since that has for a long time been the defacto age that many private corporations extend early retirement benefits to their workers... ie pensions.  However, some federal and some state and local governments begin pensions earlier... ie 50.

Is there a benefit of making it smaller, since at age 50 it is over half of the membership in the society and projections are that in the very near future it will only get worse... What if it included 70%?

On the other hand, why should there be any age restriction?

Community Manager
Community Manager

AARP membership is available at age 50. What is the disadvantage of sending the Senior Chemists newsletter vi a email to more members?

Contributor III

Christine you are absolutely correct. I see no disadvantage to sending the Senior Chemists newsletter to more members who our like to receive information regarding senior chemists events.

Contributor III

Thanks Jim for opening with this question because there may be 50 year old would wouldn't consider themselves "senior" but would love to know of some of the wonderful things the senior chemists are doing.

New Contributor II

Is the question “Who is a senior chemist?” or “Who should receive the SCC newsletter?” I think a 55 age is logical lower limit for being considered a senior chemist regardless of AARP. My four children are all in their 50s and I assure you, none of them consider themselves as seniors. On the other hand when I was a Dept. Head, I had a couple in their upper 50s who qualified as seniors and others who were in the prime of their careers. — Ron Archer

New Contributor III

I would like to receive the Senior Chemists Newsletter.  If I am not on the list, please add me.  Believe me, I qualify -- no matter how this discussion is resolved!

New Contributor III

I believe the present plans for receiving the SCC Newsletter is not likely to change.  ACS will automatically add people to receive the newsletter at age 50+.  If people let us know they wish to be dropped, they wishes will be honored.  Likewise, ACS members wishing to receive the email Newsletter can receive it if they want it.  We will need to make sure that subscribing and unsubscribing is done easily in a standard way on our email "alerts".

Contributor III

Jim, I will review the distribution list and I will request that Anne be added to the group if she's not already listed.

Contributor III

Good afternoon Anne. I've requested that you be added to the distribution list to receive the Senior Chemists Newsletter and any future communications from the committee highlighting senior chemists' events.

Have a nice day!

New Contributor III

At 50 I was not quite ready to be on the list but at 60, I'm getting proud to be a senior. I would love some tips and ideas for second careers or other things a chemist can do as a senior besides retire or volunteer.

New Contributor III

I agree that 50s and 60s are prime times in careers. The kids are probably grown and a person has a good knowledge base. I hope that the news letter and anything geared for seniors recognizes this.

New Contributor III

Catherine, one of the series of articles that we publish in the twice yearly Senior Chemists Newsletter  is a series about the many and varied activities of senior chemists. You might find some of these interesting.

New Contributor II

Membership be self-declared on one's willingness to participate.

Previous Community Member
Not applicable

I agree that AARP starts at 50 and perhaps we should too.  On the other hand, people are living longer, which argues pushing it out a bit.  Popular news claims that the efforts to defeat death itself are in full swing, perhaps affordable only by the wealthy.  Insert Google chip in brain, transfer data, but can we make a processor chip with a soul?  Or transfer the soul to a chip?

It's really rather fun to be living in the SciFi dream era!

New Contributor III

Sometimes we get comments from people who receive the Senior Chemists Newsletter that they do not like being regarded as seniors at age 50.

Community Manager
Community Manager

As someone between the age of 50 and 55, i have been getting AARP information for a few years now. I might not like getting older, but it is happening. I would think that sending out the Senior Chemists Newsletter to the 50-55 age group might create awareness so that when I'm ready and have the time to participate, i can and will.

New Contributor II

The result of 15 posts on the Age for Distribution of the Senior Chemists Newsletter blog indicates a concensus that 50 is/was the age of prime professional activity for many of us and we certainly don't want to be considered as senior (despite AARP).  However, we all agree that 50 is a good age to start thinking about the future and may want to receive the Sr Chem Newsletter to prepare for said future. Ron Archer

New Contributor

I'm also over 50 and have never seen the Senior Chemists Newsletter and would like to be added to the distribution.  As someone else said, I have been receiving AARP information and I find it valuable whether or not I consider myself "senior", I imagine this could be the case with the Newletter as well.