Senior Chemists on the Move

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Senior Chemists on the Move

Welcome to the Senior Chemists Committee blog! Post events or other announcements here. Photos are very much encouraged!
Contributor II


Join a panel of experienced chemists to chat about working in industry, government, academia or other areas! Undergrads, grad students, early career and experienced professionals are welcome!

0 0 1,768
Contributor II

Please register for the Senior Chemists virtual social hour webinar held instead of the traditional breakfast at ACS National meetings. Details and link are in the article.

1 1 784
Contributor II

SCC social events will be virtual for the Fall 2020 Atlanta meeting. Please join us for the Planning for Retirement Symposium on Monday, August 23 - Live and in-person in Atlanta, and also available virtually on the SCS meeting platform

0 0 588