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Sierra Nevada ACS: 1995 Program and activities (incomplete)

Sierra Nevada ACS: 1995 Program and activities (incomplete)

Program Index

15 Dec. 1995
Steve Smit
Clos Du Bois Winery
Sierra Nevada ACS Winetasting

Activities Index

Fall 1995 Kids and Chemistry


December 1, 1995

Dear American Chemical Society Members, Friends, and Interested Persons,

In keeping with our annual tradition, the Sierra Nevada Section will complete its 1995 activities with the Sierra Nevada ACS Winetasting on Friday evening, December 15. You are invited to this special event to socialize with fellow chemists and to meet the newly elected local section officers. Chuck Rose, our local chemist/sommelier has once again selected the fruits of an outstanding California vineyard for our enjoyment and arranged for a master winemaker to introduce them.

This year's guest is Mr. Steve Smit of the prestigious Clos Du Bois Winery. Steve is a chemist himself with a Chemistry degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He holds a Master's degree in Fermentation Science from the University of California, Davis, where he specialized in viticulture while working with the husband of Chris Benz (who introduced her wines from Murphy-Goode Winery at our 1989 Winetasting). Steve has been at Clos Du Boise for about a decade and is the Vineyard Manager. We will be tasting their excellent varietals of Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and either Merlot or Zinfandel depending upon availability.

The winetasting will be held at 6:30 pm in Room 110 of the Engineering Laboratory Building on the UNR Campus (see attached map). Cheese, crackers, etc., and alternative beverages will be provided. To reserve your place at this popular yearly event, send the enclosed form along with a check for $10 per person, payable to the ACS Sierra Nevada Section, to Vince Catalano, Department of Chemistry/216, University of Nevada, Reno 89557-0020 no later than Wednesday, December 13, 1995.

Attached to this newsletter you will find your ballot for the election of the local section officers for 1996. Please detach and mark the ballot and send it to Joseph Cline, Department of Chemistry/216, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. Ballots must be received no later than Wednesday, December 13, 1995, in order to be counted.

The ACS is sponsoring scholarships for underrepresented minorities in chemistry and science to begin in the 1996-1997 academic year. These scholarships have a value of up to $15,000 for four years of college study. Please contact me for information about further eligibility requirements and application materials. The application deadline is Feb. 15, 1996. The ACS Office of Industry Relations has developed an MS Windows CD-ROM set describing the many contributions of chemistry to our quality of life. If you find this of interest then contact me for details.

Finally, I wish to announce that our Local Section has entered the information age and is now represented on the "Web." Courtesy of the University of Nevada Chemistry Department, the local section has a WWW home page. The URL is "" and look for the link to the Sierra Nevada Local Section, ACS. There is limited information there now, but the site will grow as we use it to keep track of our program schedule, upcoming special events, and announcements of special opportunities. If you have items you believe should be included send them to me at "".

Joe Cline


Fall 1995 Kids and Chemistry
Organizer: Elizabeth Price

  • Dave R. Boden
  • Curtis Clark
  • Ed Hackett
  • Jody Hatzell
  • Jennifer Herrick
  • Monica Hilgarth
  • Anne Hoylman
  • Amy James
  • Irene Kung
  • Mira Teru Kurka
  • Linda Ledbetter
  • Maureen Leshendok
  • John Mayberry
  • Christy Morris
  • Lorre Moyer
  • Lyle Pritchett
  • Sarah Sweitzer
  • Marie Weinheimer
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