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Sierra Nevada Section - 2008 Meetings and Events

Sierra Nevada Section - 2008 Meetings and Events


The 41st Annual Western Nevada Regional Science & Engineering Fair took place at the Lawlor Events Center on March 20-22, 2008. The following students were awarded ACS Awards in recognition of their projects relating to Chemistry:

Brown Elementary SchoolEllis/EvanVolcano ExperimentK
Desert Heights ElementaryDanielle Donica, Sherrie Koontz (class project)What's the Matter?1
Lake Tahoe SchoolElijah BeharBalloon Inflators2
Hidden Valley ElementaryMiranda WeinertPlant Oxygen3
Al Seeliger ElementaryRiske Kylie3-2-1 Blast-Off!4
Hidden Valley ElementaryDanielle Mudd, Patrick Mudd, James MuddThe Finding Element in Metal4
Caughlin Ranch ElementaryTania LuoRaising Water's Boiling Point6
Mamie Towles ElementaryChase HartmanPeanut Power6
Brookfield SchoolCarson JohnsonSurface Tension8

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners, who received $100 checks from the ACS Sierra Nevada Section.



2008 Section Meetings

December 5, 2008:
Annual Wine Tasting

November 14, 2008:
The Shroud of Turin and Other Mysteries: Uncovering Mysteries of the Past through Science
Sister Mary Virginia Orna, ACS Tour Speaker

October 13, 2008:
The Chemistry of Comics
Dr. Al Hazari, ACS Tour Speaker

May 2008:
Chemistry and Physics High School Awards

April 6-10 2008:
235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans

February 15, 2008:
2007 ACS Distinguished Award
Prof. Maurice Brookhart, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Palais de Jade, 960 W. Moana Lane, Reno.
Time: 6 pm
January 16, 2008:
ACS Tour speaker, Dr. Robert P. Bates
"The Chemistry and Alchemy of Brewing"
Silver Peak Brewery, 124 Wonder Street, Reno

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