2020 Earth Day Student Music Contest: "Living in Harmony"

2020 Earth Day Student Music Contest: "Living in Harmony"


The Southern Nevada Section of the American Chemical Society (SNS-ACS) is marking the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with a Music Contest “Living in Harmony" in honor of John Prine, whose song “Paradise” inspires environmental activism.  Through this contest, SNS-ACS is trying to increase awareness of the value of the Earth’s natural resources and to encourage creative expression in children during the current stay-at-home period. 

Our "Living in Harmony" contest is open to students in Clark County in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade (Clubs/groups may also apply).  To participate, create an original song with lyrics that conveys an appreciation for natural resources on Earth.  The song can focus on one natural resource or on multiple natural resources.  Any musical “instruments” that contest participants use must be made from household items, repurposed to create music.  Do not use traditional or commercially made musical instruments.  Do not go to the store to buy materials; this is a time to be creative and safe!  

How to Enter

To enter the Living in Harmony contest, video record a performance of your original song and upload it to the SNS-ACS entry form by 8:00pm PT May 31, 2020.  The parent or guardian for each participant must sign a consent form and upload the document with their video entry.

  • Consent Form
  • SNS-ACS Entry Form
  • Judging Rubric  
Living in Harmony Submission Guidelines and Rules
  • Open to all Clark County students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.
  • A cappella, clubs/groups may also apply (A single prize will be awarded to the group). 
  • Applicants are required to follow physical distancing guidelines.
  • Create a 2-5 minute video that includes a song with lyrics that conveys an appreciation for the Earth's environment.
  • The video entries must not exceed 5 minutes in length.  SNS-ACS will disqualify any video submission exceeding 5 minutes.
  • The video entry must include the following:
    • Student name, age, school name, city
    • Explanation of the use of household items to create music
    • Performance of the song
  • A parent or guardian must submit a signed consent form for each participant in the video.  Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
  • The online  SNS ACS entry form, including the uploaded video and  consent form, must be submitted by 8:00pm PT May 31, 2020.
  • Total Prizes: $500
  • SNS-ACS will award $100 to winners in each of the four grade categories: K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 
  • SNS-ACS will award an additional $100 prize to the best of the four winners. 
  • Any group that wins will share the $100 or $200 prize. 
  • SNS-ACS will announce winners by June 8, 2020
Selection Criteria

A panel of judges will select four entries for cash awards. In addition, ACS-SNS will recognize up to 10 entries in our monthly newsletter.  Judges will consider artistry, creativity in using household objects and effectiveness of the lyrics in conveying a clear and strong message to support environmental protection.  

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, please contact:

Aruna Arakali at [email protected]

Hokunani Keehu at [email protected]

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