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Women’s Joint Zoom Lunch Social with Sierra Nevada Section (Monday, April 19th at 12:00-12:20)

New Contributor III
0 0 493

The Southern Nevada and Sierra Nevada Sections would like to invite all of our Scientistas to join us for our monthly online Women’s Zoom Lunch Social on Monday, April 19th.  Small break out room sessions and a virtual scavenger hunt are scheduled!  Please find joining information below.  ACS members and friends are welcome!

If you have any questions, please contact Hokunani Keehu, Jennifer Guerra, or Laina Geary.


12:00pm  Welcome and let’s get to know each other. 

12:05pm  Breakout Session 1 (Meet and Mingle in small groups!)

12:15 pm Group Online Scavenger Hunt: Theme Earth Week  

12:20 pm Meet back in main room, review answers and announce winners, and end of social!

Please click here to register.