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Welcome to SOWEGA

Welcome to SOWEGA

Welcome to the Southwest Georgia Section Website!

The Southwest Georgia Section has approximately 134 members who live and work in the southwest Georgia counties. 

We are dynamic and visionary, committed to “Improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry.”

This vision ─ developed and adopted by the ACS Board of Directors after broad consultation with the membership ─ fully complements the ACS Mission statement, which is “to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people.” Together, these two statements represent our ultimate reason for being and provide a strategic framework for our efforts.




  • ACS has 189 local sections (chapters) throughout the United States. Local sections allow members to:
  • Connect with other chemists and chemical engineers in their geographic area
  • Participate in programs near their homes that can enhance their professional development
  • Contribute to the public’s understanding of chemistry in their communities.
  • ACS regional meetings are hosted by local sections in various geographic regions across the United States.
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