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ACS Webinar Events for January 2011

American Chemical Society Webinars (ACS Webinars™) is a weekly online event connecting ACS members and scientific professionals with subject matter experts and global thought leaders in chemical sciences, management, and business on a variety of professional issues. Each webinar is 60 minutes in length, comprising of a short presentation followed by Q&A. The live webinars are held on Thursdays from 2-3pm EDT. View and register for upcoming events at or email Can’t make it? View past webinars at

January Events:

January 11, 2011 at 2pm EST: How to find Jobs in Small Companies, John Borchardt

Description: Are small companies hiring more scientists? Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in the big pond? In today’s highly competitive job market, job hunters may need to explore options with both small and large companies. However, differences abound in looking for jobs for small companies! Join our speaker, John Borchardt, to learn how to evaluate your fit and to tailor your job hunting techniques to secure that job offer with small companies.


Cost: Free

January 13, 2011 at 2pm EST: Persuasion: A Crash Course for Scientists and Chemical Professionals, Lou Hampton

Description: It’s all about RESULTS. Do you know how to use persuasion to get the results you’re looking for? Whether you’re making a formal presentation to management or discussing data with a co-worker, you need to know the “science” of persuasion to be effective. Join our speaker, Lou Hampton, President of The Hampton Group, Inc. for a crash course on mastering persuasion for those in the chemical industry!


Cost: Free

January 20, 2011 at 2pm EST: Financial Planning for Scientific Professionals – Strategies for the New Yea, Ted Sarenski

Description: What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2011? How about making a commitment to better financial planning? Getting your books in order will certainly make for a more secure and stable year so that you can keep up with all of those other commitments like spending more time with family and friends (or doing experiments). Set down your beakers and grab your ledgers! ACS Webinars is bringing you an informative and interesting event featuring Theodore Sarenski from Blue Ocean Strategic Capital! Join live and have your questions addressed by the expert!


Cost: Free

February Preview: Join Carolyn and Al Ribes for “Chemists in Love”, February 10, 2011!!

To succeed in the laboratory of love, it may take a little more than the chemistry that brought you together. Lucky for you, the love doctors are in!  They may not be able to explain the chemical properties behind Love Potion Number 9, but they can provide valuable insight into balancing your many commitments and passions to maximize the success of your relationship! You don’t have to choose between a happy family and a successful career- Al and Carolyn know that! Join ACS Webinars and learn how to separate the lab from your living room! Whether you and your partner have been together for decades, or if you’ve recently been struck with Cupid’s arrow, our experts will provide personal reflections, advice and tips to give you the tools to succeed in work and play. Check out for future registration details!
