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Chair's Corner: National Chemistry Week!

New Contributor III
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ncw_health_2011.jpgFrom October 16-22, ACS will celebrate National Chemistry Week.  This year’s theme is, “Chemistry – Our Health, Our Future!” and will explore how chemistry is vital to our good health. Whether it’s the medicines that make us well, to the hygiene products that keep us clean and even the vitamins and minerals that supplement our diets, chemistry is directly involved in maintaining our good health and future. This theme will also give us the opportunity to highlight many achievements in the health field that involve the transforming power of chemistry.

As you probably know, every year an event is chosen to unite ACS members across the country in a common outreach effort.  For this year’s NCW celebration we are encouraging members to organize a Health and Hygiene Drive centered on the theme “Chemistry - Our Health, Our Future!” Collected items may be donated to homeless shelters, schools, or organizations that help those in need. This is a good opportunity for ACS local sections to partner with their community groups to fulfill a need.

CCA is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten – 12th grade.  The challenge is to write and illustrate a poem using the NCW theme.  The poem can be in any style as long as it is no more than 40 words. Each local section is encouraged to host a contest for the school children in their area.

Celebrating Chemistry, a National Science Education Standards-aligned newspaper for elementary school students in the 4th through 6th grade, will illustrate the NCW theme with hands-on activities that demonstrate the importance of healthy eating and staying active, an overview of medicines and how they are developed and the importance of handwashing and proper handwashing technique. ChemMatters, a magazine for high school students, will devote its October issue to National Chemistry Week.

In support of the health theme, ACS members are encouraged to continue to raise funds for the PUR initiative. All funds should be sent to ACS headquarters by the end of December so that one check can be presented to the Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program. If you need more information about this initiative, email

We hope you will help raise awareness about this year’s NCW theme.  For complete information please visit