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Expense Covered, 5-Day Workshop for High School Chemistry Teachers

Contributor II
1 0 620

Ohio Northern University’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is hosting a five-day workshop designed to provide high school chemistry teachers with a unique professional development opportunity.

The 30-hour workshop features lecture, laboratory and networking time:

• Use a Vernier spectrophotometer and Vernier probes

• Conduct associated laboratory exercises

• Modify and troubleshoot existing protocols

• Participate in discussion sessions

• Receive a Vernier instrument for use in your home educational institution

• Join specialized breakout seminar/laboratory periods

All teachers who teach at least one high school course in chemistry are invited to apply. Applications are due by March 1.

All accepted teachers will be awarded a $1,200 grant that will cover housing, registration fees, some meals and purchase of a Vernier scientific instrument. Some travel grants (up to $300) also are available.

To learn more and complete an application, visit A continuing education certificate will be available upon workshop completion.