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New Items for Cut & Paste*

Contributor II
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Cut & Paste: New ChemLuminary Award in Sustainability

The ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Sustainability Activities is the newest addition to the annual local section awards, and it is sponsored by the ACS Committee on Environmental Improvement (CEI).  The award recognizes a local section that has introduced a new and outstanding program promoting sustainability at the local level. The award recipient will have demonstrated that the program educates people about sustainability, enhances awareness or promotes discussions between society members and the general public about sustainability, or encourages sustainable activities in the community or local businesses. All local sections are encouraged to self-nominate their sustainability activities for this new award via the section’s 2010 Annual Report due February 15, 2011.


Cut & Paste: Local Section Mini-Grants Available for Sustainability Programming

The Committee on Environmental Improvement (CEI) is sponsoring $500 grants to help support programming on sustainability by local sections.  Deadlines are March 1 and August 1 annually.  The application form and further information is available at  All local sections are encouraged to apply.

*Cut & Paste is a valuable resource for ACS Local Section and Division editors/webmasters who want timely content for their website or newsletter.  Moving forward, we will be posting multiple items in a single blog post in an effort to reduce email alerts.  We welcome any questions and/or comment on this edited delivery system.  Content is also attached below for easy download.