Mod 3 - Interviewing design document

Mod 3 - Interviewing design document


This was sent to Jim Burke and Lisa Balbes on October 6.


Dear Jim and Lisa,

Thanks again for participating in the conference call on Tuesday.  As promised, John has sent the design document and initial draft of the PowerPoint slides for the interviewing module.  Having your feedback by October 18 will give us time to compile it by the time John returns from vacation.

As you review the documents, please remember that they are for a four-hour module that will follow the various tracks.  In addition to having those pursuing jobs in a range of sectors, the audience may include others besides graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, especially given the challenging employment environ.

Please send your comments in whatever format is most convenient.  If you annotate the document, please use comments.

Feedback on any aspect of the module is welcome.  In particular, we hope that you can consider whether:

  1. plans for the module are on track
  2. any topics are missing
  3. any topics should be covered in the preceding tracks or in subsequent career offerings
  4. the relative coverage of topics is appropriate
  5. the level of interactivity is appropriate
  6. there are other resources that can serve as references
  7. there is information that could help inform the development of sections of the module

Lisa will also affirm that the plan for this module aligns with that of the core module and four tracks.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

Jodi and Dave