Like Chris, I pulled together a proposal summary for what I'd need for CSW's Board to approve this project. I'm posting it here for people to see/have as needed.
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Hello all! Please fill out this Doodle poll with your availability for a call in the first 2 weeks of April 2018. Hopefully we can find a time when everyone (or at least all the local sections) can be represented. I'll send out dial-in information once we've confirmed a date and time. Please respond to the Doodle poll no later than March 1 so we can lock in a time early! Link: Looking forward to speaking with all of you! Best, Chris
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I created a new document. The main purpose is to be a summary that could be shared with other officers in each section. Toward the end I captured some more detailed thoughts. I have a .doc version of this file as well, if that would be easier to edit.
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Executive Summary Background Science Cafes are an outreach educational program to the local community. A typical science café begins with short, informal presentations from one or several informed individuals. The bulk of the café is a moderated conversation between these individuals and an audience. What A series of science cafes will be hosted by various ACS local sections. The first general topic will be water. Each section will pick a particular topic based partially on local interests and expertise. A section based in or near Washington DC would host a policy-based café at the beginning or the end of a series. Where Local sections in the mid- or southeast-Atlantic area will host. Science cafes are sometimes held at restaurants, brew pubs, or pizza parlors, but they are sometimes held at local colleges or universities. Who Each section will be responsible for hosting one event, by inviting speakers and doing publicity work. Each participating section will also host viewing or listening events for events taking place at other sections. When Spring 2019 will be the first series. Subsequent series will be hosted each year thereafter. How The main equipment needs revolve around presenting the event to remote locations, gathering questions from a remote audience, and recording the meeting. Further comments This section represents planning as it stands as of late January, 2018. Costs and Funding The main equipment needs are a camera and a microphone for each section. There are also costs associated with providing light refreshments and renting a venue. There are several possible funding sources within ACS. There is a Science Café Mini-grant. There is a Leadership Institute Mini-grant to facilitate cooperation among sections. There is also an Innovative Projects Grant (IPG) grant program and a Members Engaging Through Technology (METT) grant program. One group might have to take the lead and apply for a larger grant and disburse funds to other sections. NOVA may be able to fund a first science café. Hosting Light refreshments will be provided. Timeline What has been accomplished so far. A discussion group was set up through ACS Network. Spring or Fall 2018. Each section will host a café. Spring and Fall 2018. Planning meetings will be held. Among the issues to be addressed will be the best technology, both hardware and software, to use. Future Directions If the format is successful, the second general topic may be energy.
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Some brainstormy ideas that were flagged for us: 1) Aligning to the NCW 2019 theme (not selected yet) 2) Align theme to the CCEW 2019 theme - The Chemistry of Paper 3) Align the theme to the 2019 national meetings? - San Diego in August 2019 is the Chemistry of Water 4) Recording the virtual component audio to release as a podcast series over the course of 2019 under the ACS logo.
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