Volunteers - Strategic Plan Projects

Volunteers - Strategic Plan Projects

If you would like to volunteer with any of the following Strategic Plan Projects, please type your name below. Just click the "edit" icon in the upper right hand corner of this page (pencil icon).

1. Design and provide timely resources for public outreach (i.e. ideas, activities, materials, and publications)

  • Strategy 1-1: Develop planning documents and editorial calendars to ensure timely production of resources.
  • Strategy 1-2: Collaborate with other ACS publications to develop outreach resources.
  • Strategy 1-3: Create a mechanism to develop new outreach programs

Strategy 1-1Strategy 1-2Strategy 1-3
Project Lead?????????
StaffDavid H.PattiLily

George Fisher, An-Phong Le

Cary Supalo

Sara M. Delgado-Rivera

2. Support and equip outreach volunteers with accurate and accessible training.

  • Strategy 2-1: Develop a volunteer tool kit by December 2019.
  • Strategy 2-2: Develop at least one themed demo video per celebration before Celebrating Chemistry is published
  • Strategy 2-3: Provide one in-person outreach workshop to train students and volunteers at each national meeting (i.e. completion certificate).

Strategy 2-1Strategy 2-2Strategy 2-3
Project LeadGeorgeNeal???

Monica Sekharan


Ken Fivizzani

Gina Malczewski

David Heroux

Alex Madonik

Veronica Jaramillo

Sara M. Delgado-Rivera

Goal 3. Increase (internal and external) visibility of CCA’s mission.

  • Strategy 3-1. Maximize visibility of CCA programs on ACS website.
  • Strategy 3-2: Develop a mechanism to create social media content to support CCA programs.
  • Strategy 3-3: Develop internal/external partnerships based on theme and location.

Strategy 3-1Strategy 3-2Strategy 3-3
ChampionRessanoNealRick and Verrill
Project LeadRessano??????

Alex Madonik


Goal 4. Grow and retain the volunteer pool..

  • Strategy 4-1. Continue to develop materials and program to recognize volunteers at all levels by December 2018.
  • Strategy 4-2: Develop a certification program for outreach volunteers by December 2018
  • Strategy 4-3: Develop and implement guidelines for recruiting new volunteers at the local section impact
  • Strategy 4-4: Develop a role description with duties and expectations for CCA associates and members as well as a succession plan by December 2018.

Strategy 4-1Strategy 4-2Strategy 4-3Strategy 4-4
ChampionAlexsaHollyDavid KatzMike and Holly
Project LeadSanda Sun??????Alexsa Silva

Avrom Litin,

Sanda Sun

Kim Morehouse

Gina Malczewski

Cary Supalo

Alexsa Silva

Kim Morehouse

An-Phong Le

Kim Morehouse


Sanda Sun likes to volunteer with the Strategy 2-1 or 2-3. Thank you.

I meant 4-1 or 4-3.

Hello Lily, sign me up for

  • Strategy 2-2: Develop at least one themed demo video per celebration before Celebrating Chemistry is published
  • Strategy 3-1. Maximize visibility of CCA programs on ACS website.

Strategy 1-3 is complete and was discussed with Lily at the San Diego ACS meeting  in fall of 2019.