If anyone has agenda items for the CINF Long Range Planning Luncheon on Saturday, August 27 in Denver, please forward them to me.
Should we begin looking at the long term – what we want the division to be in 5 years? Membership appears to be declining, finances are up and down and fundraising has become an essential revenue source, recruiting volunteers for office is not easy, etc. Are we ok with the status quo? Do we want to build a stronger organization?
Hi Greg, one item for the agenda would be the issue of a CINF Happy Hour type event organized locally by CINF members - analogous to the COMP Together initiative. Stuff like
* Do we want to do something like this?
* Could/should we join with COMP?
* Funds (if any)
* Where can this be done?
* Should we submit a grant for this?
There was some discussion on the network regarding this (Svetlana provided some useful info)