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New Contributor III

Do you find it easy to order CCED stuff as a coordinator?

There is NO link anywhere that I could see that goes to the store to give the coordinators prices only.  There used to be.  I just spent TWO HOURS  on the phone with someone in the store who knew NOTHING.   She was going to send me the coordinator's link and so far that has not happened.

Volunteer time is worth something.  If I am to get someone else to take this job they will not have the time to waste but niether do I.

Jeannette Brown

Outreach Coordinator

North Jersey ACS

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1 Reply
New Contributor III

Re: Do you find it easy to order CCED stuff as a coordinator?

It turns out there is a form for the free stuff which they sent to Coordinators but it was sent to my other e-mail address that I rarely use.

The link to the form used to be put on the web under the coordinators resource link and that's where I was looking for it and that's where it should be.

As a historian I remember a lot about the ACS and some things are not improvements.

Jeannette Brown

North Jersey ACS Outreach Coordinator

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