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An Introduction to Winemaking: A Look at the Science Behind the Art Michael McLendon

New Contributor III
0 0 376

Date: Tuesday, October 2

Place: Room FAC 1009 in the Cowan Center

3900 University Blvd

The University of Texas at Tyler

Tyler, TX

Dinner: On your own (refreshments will be provided)

Time: 7:00 P.M.


Kiepersol Estates

The presentation will involve a review on winemaking and how science is integrated as well as touch on some of the basic analytics in a wine laboratory.

Speaker Bio

Michael McClendon is a winemaker at Kiepersol Enterprises. Michael worked at Kiepersol in their laboratory as an intern in 2008 while attending UT Tyler. After completing his BS degree in biology in 2009 he became a full time employee at Kiepersol—working as an Enologist and later to lead the production team.

Michael has become more involved in the East Texas wine community as a board member for the Piney Woods Wine Trail. He has also started a custom crush facility to better serve the burgeoning Texas wine industry. One of his honors is being recently named “a Young Turk of Texas Wine” by wine writer and author of Wine Slinger Chronicles Dr. Russ Kane.