CTA Leadership Development System Course Award

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CTA Leadership Development System Course Award

The ACS Committee on Technician Affairs invites chemical technicians and chemists to apply for an award that would cover the cost of taking an ACS Leadership Development System Course during the ACS National Meeting.


To qualify for the award, applicants must meet the following criteria:


  • Live within 350 hundred miles of Orlando
  • Earned two- or four-year degree in chemistry or related field
  • Work in a chemistry-related field
  • Be an ACS member with a valid membership number
  • Have employer support for time off to attend the meeting
  • By the deadline of  Jan 15, 2018, submit a completed application form, including a short essay (500 word max.) describing how you would hope to benefit from taking a leadership course. Find the award under “Awards” at www.acs.org/cta.


The award recipient will each be reimbursed for the cost of transportation (mileage), one-night hotel stay, meals, and a leadership course of his/her choosing. [Registration for the national meeting is not required and not covered by this award.]


Courses listed below:

ACS Leadership Development System ® courses are your opportunity to learn skills to strengthen your edge in today's global economy.

Strategic Planning

Collaborating Across Boundaries

Developing Communication Strategies

Fostering Innovation

Leading Change

Engaging Colleagues in Dialogue

Leading Without Authority


For more information about these courses, go to:  https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/leadership/facilitated-courses.html to add text, images, and other content