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Undergraduate Registration Scholarships for the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

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Undergraduate Registration Scholarships for the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

The Orlando Section of the American Chemical Society

is pleased to announce awards for undergraduate registration scholarships

for the 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition

held in Orlando March 31 – April 4, 2019


The Orlando Section is offering 20 scholarships for undergraduate students to present research at the National Meeting – funds to cover registration costs. 

  1. We ask that students who have funding through their advisor or other sources not apply.
  2. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis with the following additional criteria:
    1. Student requirements:
      1. The student must have an accepted abstract to the National Meeting;
      2. The student must be a member of the ACS in good standing;
      3. The student must attend a member school in the Orlando Section.
    2. Other requirements:
      1. A maximum of two students from one research advisor will be funded;
      2. A maximum of 5 students from one school will be funded. If fewer than 20 applications are received, these maximum numbers will be re-visited, but still strive to distribute the scholarships fairly among applicants.
    3. The awards will be distributed on a rolling basis until all scholarships are distributed according to the criteria above.


To apply, please submit the following to


  • a statement of need from the research advisor (stating no other funding is available);
  • the accepted abstract along with the acceptance email;
  • names and emails of student and advisor.