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Accepting Proposals for Emerging Scientific Issues of Importance to Human Health and the Environment

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Is your organization facing new scientific challenges related to human health or the environment? Are you seeking a collaborative forum to help generate data, develop methodologies, or build consensus on applications for safety?

The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) is accepting proposals until 4 December 2015 on priority emerging scientific issues (human or environmental health) that can be addressed through a focused, multi-sector collaborative program. The most promising proposals will form the basis of new scientific initiatives within HESI, and will receive supporting funds to initiate activities in the fall of 2016. Click here for more information about the HESI Proposal Solicitation process.

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The ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) is a nonprofit institution whose mission is to engage scientists from academia, government, and industry to identify and resolve global health and environmental issues.  HESI has a diverse project portfolio that improves public health by generating quality science in the areas of:

  • Safe and effective medicines
  • Environmental quality and sustainability
  • Accurate and resource-efficient risk assessment
  • Food safety

Proposal Selection Criteria:

  • The issue should be a priority for a broad cross-section (academia, industry, government) of the scientific community and should have current public health significance.
  • HESI’s efforts to address the issue will have measurable scientific impact.
  • Lengthy basic research proposals will not be considered. Proposals should reflect applied science as contrasted with basic discovery science.
  • Proprietary and product-specific issues will not be considered. Proposals should not include lobbying or advocacy components.
  • HESI's efforts to address the issue should not be duplicative of other groups.
  • Although not required, projects that come with matching resources will be given special consideration.
  • Proposal submissions do not require a commitment of resources or any current or prior affiliation with the HESI organization. However, proposals that come with matching resources will be given special consideration.

Many successful HESI Technical Committees originated with a proposal submitted through the HESI Emerging Issues Proposal Solicitation Process.  Examples include Sustainable Chemical Alternatives, Translational Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity, Genetic Toxicology, and Development of Methods for a Tiered Approach to Assess Bioaccumulation of Chemicals.

To submit a proposal, complete the proposal form and return it to Ms. Cyndi Nobles (HESI) at by Friday, 4 December 2015. You can also direct your questions to Cyndi. Thank you in advance for your scientific contributions!

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