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Algenol Tackles Global Crisis; Wins 2015 Presidential Award For Climate Change

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Article by Stacey Adams, Communications and PR Manager, Algenol

65 Nobel laureates recently signed a declaration stating that climate change poses a “threat of comparable magnitude” to nuclear war. And concluded, that “if left unchecked, will lead to wholesale human tragedy.” But Florida-based biofuels company, Algenol IS successfully doing something about it!

Algenol has just received the prestigious 2015 Presidential Green Chemistry Award, at a ceremony at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington D.C. for its environmental benefits concerning climate change. This is a brand new category, and Algenol is the inaugural recipient. The award, sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Chemical Society (ACS) recognizes outstanding accomplishments in research, development and implementation of green chemical technologies.

“It is a great honor to receive the Presidential Chemistry Award for Climate Change," says Algenol’s CEO Paul Woods, who accepted last night’s award. “We feel Algenol is in the best position to mitigate climate change. It’s wonderful to be recognized by the White House for our game-changing technology that turns carbon pollution into a profitable and sustainable business by utilizing flue gas CO2 to produce the world’s four most important transportation fuels.”

To qualify for the award, companies must have reached a significant milestone within the past five years in the United States demonstrating technical and environmental benefits of green chemistry technology.

Algenol has developed a patented technology using algae to produce the four most important fuels: ethanol, gasoline, jet and diesel fuel. All for about $1.30 a gallon! The company captures, recycles and utilizes CO2. Its pathway reduces Green House Gas Emissions by 69% compared to gasoline according to the official EPA pathway approval. A single 2,000 acre commercial Algenol module is the equivalent to planting 40-million trees or removing 36-thousand cars from the road!

Ethanol, used in gas pumps across the country, is typically made from the fermentation of sugars produced by plants such as corn and sugar cane. But through the innovation of converting algae into a “green crude”, Algenol has successfully developed a fossil fuel replacement with yields 20 times greater than that of corn.

“We congratulate those who bring innovative solutions that will help solve some of the most critical environmental problems,” says Jim Jones, the EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “These innovations reduce the use of energy, hazardous chemicals and water, while cutting manufacturing costs and sparking investments.”

Algenol’s quest to solve this global crisis and create a sustainable business has garnered industry-wide recognition. Last night’s Presidential award comes on the heels of the 2015 PLATTS Global Energy Award for leadership in the biofuels industry and being ranked as the #1 American Company and the #3 Global Company in bioenergy by Biofuels Digest.

Original article located here

For more information about Algenol, please visit

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