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Featured GC&E Organizers: Sylvain Caillol, University of Montpellier & Henri Cramail, University of Bordeaux

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Leading up to the GC&E Conference we will be posting interviews with our 2017 GC&E Conference organizers to learn a little more about them and the excellent sessions you can look forward to at this year’s conference!

CaillolCramail-Updated.pngSylvain Caillol, Ph.D., Institute Charles Gerhardt,

University of Montpellier

Prof. Henri Cramail, Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, University of Bordeaux

Session: Design and Routes for Sustainable Polyurethanes

Q: What motivates you to work in the green chemistry & engineering space?

A: Sylvain Caillol (pictured left): What motivates me is the idea that we try to be the change we expect on Earth to reduce negative environmental impacts. It makes sense.
Henri Cramail (pictured right): My main motivation is to preserve the resources of our planet and to develop a safer chemistry.

Q: In one sentence, describe the session you are organizing at GC&E.

A: Sylvain Caillol & Henri Cramail: This session aims to gather the highest-level contributions from the academic and industrial communities in order to discuss and deliberate on the future challenges in the design of sustainable Polyurethanes and Non-isocyanate Polyurethanes for the chemical industry.

Q: What will attendees learn at your GC&E session? What makes it unique?

A: Sylvain Caillol & Henri Cramail: Attendees will learn of the most recent developments from academia and industry concerning sustainable routes for the design of Polyurethanes (PUs) in relation to both isocyanate regulations and the use of renewable resources. What makes this session unique is that all the key issues for future developments of sustainable PUs and non-isocyanate PUs (NIPUs) will be addressed, such as innovative and promising bio-based monomers for industrial PUs and NIPUs; monomer reactivity and molar mass issues for NIPUs; access to innovative foams; emulsion NIPUs; up-scaling issues; characterizations; and promising applications for NIPUs.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of the GC&E Conference (or what are you looking forward to)?

A: Sylvain Caillol & Henri Cramail: Our favorite aspect would be the presentation of recent results and networking with research scientists.

Q: What are you currently focused on in your work or research?

A: Sylvain Caillol: I am currently focused on the design of safer, biobased monomers for emulsion polymerization.
Henri Cramail: I am currently investigating different routes to enhance the reactivity of carbonates in the course of NIPU synthesis.

Q: If you weren't a chemist, what would you be doing?

A: Sylvain Caillol: I would be a marine biologist.
Henri Cramail: I would probably be a farmer/wine maker.

Q: When you aren't at work, how do you spend your free time?

A: Sylvain Caillol: Scuba diving
Henri Cramail: Playing sports

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