China increases hazardous chemical regulations
December 8, 2016 | C&EN
China’s highest decision-making body, the State Council, has unveiled a three-year plan to prevent accidents involving hazardous chemicals that may bring headaches to chemical producers and shippers.
New bio-recycling process can depolymerize PET bottles, packaging and films
December 8, 2016 | Recycling International
Green chemistry company Carbios in France has announced that its innovative enzymatic bio-recycling process of polyesters is also applicable to crystalline polyethylene terephthalate (PET). ‘This means it can treat all kind of plastic waste containing PET, namely bottles, packaging and films,’ the firm says.
EPA moves to ban uses of trichloroethylene
December 7, 2016 | C&EN
EPA concluded in 2014 that trichloroethylene (TCE) in spot cleaning agents and aerosol spray degreasers could pose health risks to workers and consumers. TCE is a known human carcinogen, and studies have associated the chemical with neurological, developmental, and immunological toxicity.
Novel catalysts improve path to more sustainable plastics production
December 5, 2016 | Phys.org
University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have discovered a new type of catalyst to drive the ODHP reaction. In a paper published Dec. 1 in Science, a team led by chemistry and chemical engineering Professor Ive Hermans reports success with hexagonal boron nitride and boron nitride nanotube catalysts in the chemical reaction that converts propane to propene.
Ranking retailers on avoidance of hazardous chemicals
December 5, 2016 | C&EN
A new report gives 11 major U.S. retailers an average grade of D+ in meeting rising consumer demand for safer products, though it also found major progress at some firms.

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