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Green Chemistry News Roundup: February 26 - March 4, 2016

Honored Contributor
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Australian Scientists are Making Hair Products from Wool Waste

March 1, 2016 | Gizmodo

From the shearing shed to catwalk, world stockpiles of waste wool are suddenly in fashion with South Australian scientists who have found a way to give them high value.

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Greener Chemistry through Renewable Energy

March 1, 2016 | University of Copenhagen

Solar, hydro and wind energy will continue to blossom in the effort to reduce climate change. But green energy has even bigger potential.

U Lab Develops Bacteria-Aided Plastic Production Method

February 29, 2016 | Minnesota Daily

The U’s Center for Sustainable Polymers works to produce cheaper, greener synthetics.

Going Green in Electronics

February 29, 2016 | Electronic Design

The Green Electronics Council continues its push for sustainability and efficiency through standards and technology.

Creating Cheaper Carbon Fiber

February 29, 2016 | The Daily Evergreen

Using new, cheaper ways to create carbon fiber could lead to lighter cars and less gasoline use.

MS in Environmental and Green Chemistry

February 28, 2016 | Inomics

Growing public awareness about the state of the environment, chemical product safety and new chemical regulatory policies is driving demand for leaders who are able to understand the science underlying environmental challenges and develop innovative solutions.

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