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Green Chemistry News Roundup: January 29 - February 5, 2016

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Sprucing Up Biofuel with Renewable Antioxidants

February 5, 2016 | Phys Org

Scientists in the UK have used antioxidants isolated from spruce woodchips to stabilise biodiesel.

"Exploding" Sugar Beet Cells for Faster Fermentation

February 4, 2016 | Phys Org

Sugar beet is an interesting raw material in the biobased economy as the sugars it contains can easily be fermented into valuable molecules.

Lithium Battery Catalyst Found to Harm Key Soil Microorganism

February 4, 2016 | Phys Org

The material at the heart of the lithium ion batteries that power electric vehicles, laptop computers and smartphones has been shown to impair a key soil bacterium, according to new research published online in the journal Chemistry of Materials.

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The University Professors Who are at the Heads of the 2015 Class

February 4, 2016 | Maclean’s

Get out your catalogues and try to nab a course with one of the best university teachers in the country.

The Scientists Harvesting Energy from Humans to Power Our Wearables

February 4, 2016 | The Guardian

An MIT lab has produced a device the size of a stamp that harvests energy from bending movements. Commercializing it could be a breakthrough for wearables.

Boost for Non-Animal Toxicology Testing

February 3, 2016 | Chemistry World

US researchers have taken a step forward in a large-scale collaborative effort to develop ways of assessing compounds’ toxicity without relying on laborious, expensive and ethically contentious animal experiments.

Why Materials Will Make or Break the Circular Economy

February 3, 2016 | Green Biz

For sporting goods giant Adidas, a foray into the world of upcycled goods started with a reality TV show. On an episode of "Whale Wars," where marine avengers aboard a ship called the Sea Shepard chase down illegal fishing boats, the crew found themselves with tons and tons of contraband gillnets.

More Biobased Plastics for Bottles: Dupont announces PTF

February 2, 2016 | Biobased Press

Coca-Cola and Danone have not yet decided on biobased plastics for their bottles (PET or PEF), but DuPont announces another competitor: PTF.

Olive Oil Untangles Plastic

February 2, 2016 | Student Science

Chefs often add olive oil to spaghetti to aid the cooking process and improve flavor. Now a study finds that olive oil and other vegetable oils can also help make one type of plastic into super-strong fibers. Those fibers are ideal for making products such as bulletproof fabrics or ropes that anchor offshore oil rigs.

Is Finland's Neste the World's First 21st Century Oil Company?

February 2, 2016 | ChEnected

In an era of hyper-branding, normally whenever a corporation changes its name and logo — altering the image countless commercials have indelibly burned into consumer psyches — it's usually a Hail Mary pass thrown by desperate management trying to dodge a PR disaster.

Barriers to Pollution Prevention

February 1, 2016 | C&EN

Environment: Many industrial facilities report they are unaware of greener chemicals or alternative technology.

The Race for the 100% Biobased Plastic Bottle

February 1, 2016 | Biofuels Digest

In Switzerland, AVA Biochem revealed that it is expanding its product portfolio to include platform chemical FDCA (2,5-Furandicarboxylic acid)— and that’s a pathway to a molecule called PEF that’s a potential bio-based replacement for PET used to make clear plastic bottles for soft drinks.

Introducing the World's First Zero Isocyanate Industrial and Commercial Coating

February 1, 2016 | Spray Foam

Industrial Finishes & Systems has entered into a definitive exclusive national distribution agreement with Hybrid Coating Technologies (HCT) for several of HCT’s coating formulations.

‘Green Chemistry is Need of the Hour'

January 30, 2016 | The Times of India

"Clean and green chemistry is need of the hour and scientists across the country should take initiative in research for it," exhorted Prof PD Yadav, vice chancellor of the Institute of Chemical Technology.

UoN Awarded ‘World’s Greenest University Campus’ Title

January 30, 2016 | IMPACT

The University of Nottingham has been awarded the title of the most environmentally-friendly campus in the world for the fourth time.

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