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Green Chemistry News Roundup: May 5 – 12, 2017

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News Roundup May5-12.png

Researchers Create Anticancer Nanomaterials by Simulating Underwater Volcanic Conditions

May 12, 2017 |

Researchers at Aalto University have developed a sustainable synthesis process for Zinc peroxide using biomimicry, which uses minimal amounts of additional chemicals and results in the creation of cancer-fighting nanomaterials.

Got Plants? Bio-Based Shoes, Lingerie, Auto Parts and More

May 11, 2017 | Green Biz

As consumer demand grows for sustainable and non-fossil fuel derived products, the number of products hitting the market keeps growing and sales are keeping pace.  Read this article to find out more about innovations from Reebok, DuPont, Tate & Lyle, BASF, Eastman Chemical and more.

Air Conditioning Powered by Plants

May 10, 2017 | IsoBio Project

IsoBio researchers have developed home insulation made from biobased materials that help regulate temperature & humidity using passive complex interlinked pore structures.

Sustainably Sourced Synthetic Perfume Mimics Natural Fragrance

May 8, 2017 | Premium Beauty News

New molecule from Symrise mimics the natural fragrance of lily of the valley flower and is also biodegradable & derived from D-limonene in orange peels.


Building Capacity for Science Communication: Partnership Awards

Call for Proposals | Due June 1, 2017

With support from the Rita Allen Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences is pleased to offer two awards of $37,500 each to support the formation and development of collaborative science communication researcher-practitioner partnerships. These awards are intended to facilitate the efforts of science communication researchers and practitioners to plan collaborative projects that pursue shared research interests aligned with the recently released consensus report, Communicating Science Effectively: A Research Agenda.

2017 Research Grant for Increasing the Utility of Photoredox Catalysis in Medicinal Chemistry

Applications Open Now | Due June 2, 2017

The focus of this grant will be toward optimizing existing methodology and reactor technology toward gram-scale photochemical reactions in greener solvents using substrates that are employed widely in the pharmaceutical industry, such as heterocycles and heavily functionalized intermediates. One grant is planned to be awarded and the total award is limited to $50,000 for a grant period of 12 months.

ACS Science Coaches Program

Applications Open Now | Due August 15, 2017

Science Coaches is a joint ACS and American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) program that pairs chemists (coaches) with K-12 chemistry teachers to enhance the science skills in students across the US for an entire school year.  Chemistry professionals at all stages in their careers (graduate students, retirees, current professionals, former teachers, etc.) or in any chemistry-related field are encouraged to apply!

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