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Message from the Director: GC&E Conference Celebrates Silver Anniversary

Honored Contributor
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We are thrilled to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference when conference attendees gather virtually next month! The inaugural conference was organized in 1997 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and remains the premier green chemistry and engineering conference in North America, attracting almost 5,000 attendees to last year’s virtual gathering. The ACS Green Chemistry Institute is proud to organize this prestigious conference with the support of so many loyal sponsors every year.

We appreciate the leadership of this year’s conference co-chairs, Jillian Goldfarb and Guy Humphrey, in organizing such a strong technical program centered on the theme of “Sustainable Production to Advance the Circular Economy.” This theme beautifully aligns with U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 12, Sustainable Consumption and Production. Green chemistry and engineering are essential in achieving this goal as innovative processes and technologies will help close the loop between consumption and production.

We have a stellar lineup of keynote speakers, including Eunice Heath of Dow; Gregg Beckham of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Frank Gupton of Virginia Commonwealth University; and Amy Prieto of Colorado State University. These exceptional keynote speakers will set the stage for the outstanding technical program throughout the week.

Highlights of this year’s conference include the announcement of the Green Chemistry Challenge Award recipients. Dr. Michal Freedhoff, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, will unveil the winners to conference attendees on Tuesday, June 15. On Wednesday, June 16, the 2021 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship award winners will present their research. This year’s awardees are Jun Huang, The University of Sydney; Jeremy Luterbacher, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne; and Meagan Mauter, Stanford University.   

Once again, we will be offering “GC&E Fridays” beginning on May 21 as part of the registration package.  Sessions will address science communications (May 21), careers that advance the circular economy (May 28), toxicology for chemists (June 4), and influencing green chemistry in pharma (June 11). These sessions are included with your registration fee but require separate registration for each session.

If you have not already done so, please visit to register for this year’s conference. Registration fees are an affordable $75 and $25 (for students), providing you with a week’s worth of interactive technical content and networking opportunities. I look forward to seeing you at this year’s virtual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference! 
