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Message from the Director: Thank you for your service to ACS

Honored Contributor
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We have just wrapped up the joint 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference/ 9th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry in Reston, Virginia. We were thrilled to welcome more than 600 attendees to this year’s conference, which focused on “Closing the Loop” of the chemical life cycle. My sincere thanks to our wonderful co-chairs, Joan Brennecke of the University of Texas at Austin and Philip Jessop of Queen’s University, Canada, for putting together such a compelling and engaging technical program.

The conference would not be possible without the countless hours dedicated by our volunteers to organizing and supporting the conference. Forty experts in green chemistry and engineering served on the organizing and international advisory committees. These individuals provided input into the technical program and encouraged participation in the conference with their colleagues across the globe. Poster judges thoughtfully assessed the student posters during the Green Chemistry & Engineering Poster session, recommending the top posters among an outstanding field. Throughout the conference, volunteers offered support during sessions, directed attendees to the right meeting rooms, and provided assistance with the mobile app. Thank you to all who volunteered to make the 2019 conference such a success!

The success of the conference also depends on the engagement of our sponsors and exhibitors. We are especially grateful to our gold sponsors, MilliporeSigma and the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® Pharmaceutical Roundtable, for their generous support. We were delighted that MilliporeSigma’s CEO, Dr. Udit Batra, delivered the opening keynote address of the conference, providing insights into “Green Chemistry at Global Scale.” Keynote addresses by Professor Lee Cronin and Professor Dana Kralisch expanded on the conference theme through their presentations on “Programming Organic Synthesis using the Chemputer” and “Which Way to Go from Innovation to Sustainable Process/Product Design?”, respectively. All three of our keynote speakers volunteered their time and expertise to share their perspectives on future directions for green chemistry and engineering. And a huge thanks to our exhibitors, who interacted with attendees throughout the conference, showcasing their greener products and services.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to next year’s conference in Seattle, Washington, where we will explore the theme of “Systems-Inspired Design.” I encourage you to submit your symposium ideas for the 2020 conference after submissions open in July. Please visit for key dates and additional information.

Thank you for all you do to advance green and sustainable chemistry and engineering across the chemistry enterprise. We are grateful for your dedication to designing greener chemical products and processes and educating the next generation to practice chemistry in service to society.


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