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Message from the Director

Honored Contributor
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This year marks the 30th year of National Chemistry Week (NCW), which will be celebrated October 22-28. NCW is a wonderful opportunity for chemists to share their passion for chemistry with the general public, and working with your ACS local section or student chapter makes it easy to communicate the benefits of chemistry to your family, friends, and neighbors. The ACS Green Chemistry Institute® has partnered with ACS Program-in-a-Box to offer “Chemistry Rocks!  Exploring the Chemistry of Rocks and Minerals” on Tuesday, October 24 at 7 p.m. EDT. Information on joining this interactive broadcast is available at

I had the pleasure of joining the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable meeting in Ingelheim, Germany on October 3-5. The hospitality offered by our hosts at Boehringer Ingelheim was exceptional! The Pharmaceutical Roundtable continues to be extremely active and productive by awarding research grants; developing tools, such as the process mass intensity calculation tool; creating and disseminating guides, including solvent and reagent guides; and publishing key research articles. These activities support the Roundtable’s strategic priorities of informing and influencing the research agenda, providing tools to accelerate innovation, educating leaders, and fostering global collaboration. Please contact Isamir Martinez at if you would like to know more about the work of the Pharmaceutical Roundtable or ACS GCI’s other industry Roundtables focused on Chemical Manufacturing, Formulations, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Biochemical Technology.

We are deep into planning the 22nd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, which will be held in Portland, Oregon, from June 18-20, 2018. The organizing committee is currently reviewing symposia proposals, and abstract submission will open on January 4, 2018.  We are thrilled to welcome Joe DeSimone, the Chancellor’s Eminent Professor of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina and CEO of Carbon, Inc., as a keynote speaker!

The 2018 Summer School on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy will return to the Colorado School of Mines on July 10-17, 2018. The program is open to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the U.S., Canada and Latin America. We will begin accepting Summer School applications in mid-November, so please check back next month at for additional information.


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