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Nina McClelland Memorial Award: A New Green Chemistry Travel Award for Post Docs

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Many members of our community will warmly remember Dr. Nina McClelland, who was a champion of green chemistry, a life-long advocate for environmental standards to improve the health and safety of our environment, and a true believer in the value of professional organizations like the American Chemical Society. McClelland2002AnnualReport.jpgShe generously donated her time and leadership to the ACS—serving on the ACS Board of Directors for nine years, including three as Chair of the Board. She also was influential in bringing the Green Chemistry Institute (GCI) into the ACS and served on the ACS GCI’s Governing Board for many years.

After she passed in 2020, the American Chemical Society received a generous bequest from her estate. Today we are pleased to announce that we will be honoring her legacy through a new award to fund postdoctoral scholars to attend and present green chemistry research at the ACS GCI’s annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference. Recognizing that postdocs often do not have travel money in their budgets, this award will provide a needed avenue for participation.

The inaugural Nina McClelland Memorial Award is now open for nominations through December 31, 2021 and will be supporting travel to the 26th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference in Reston, Virginia, June 6-8, 2022. Any postdoctoral scholar engaged in green chemistry research, whether in the U.S. or internationally, is welcome to apply. Awardees should expect to present in person at the Conference; acceptance notifications will be sent prior to the GC&E abstract deadline of February 14. The ACS GCI intends to give two $2,000 awards each year.

For more information and to apply, visit: