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The ACS GCI Chemical Manufacturers Roundtable Wins U.S. Department of Energy Award

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By Robert J. Giraud, Principal Consultant, The Chemours Company and Christiana Briddell, Communications Manager, ACS Green Chemistry Institute®

The U.S. Department of Energy has granted the American Chemical Society (ACS) Green Chemistry Institute (GCI) Chemical Manufacturers Roundtable an award in support of their initiative Sustainable Separation Processes: Accelerating Industrial Application of Less Energy-Intensive Alternative Separations (AltSep).

The DOE High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) award provides $300,000 to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to use their high performance computing capabilities to explore the fundamentals of fluid separations using porous mass separating agents (MSAs) such as adsorbents and membranes.

The objective of the work is to advance the rational design of MSA-based processes to enable significant reductions in the energy required for separations central to chemical manufacturing. The U.S. chemical industry currently relies on distillation to separate molecules, a process that consumes roughly 10% of energy used in the country.

Rooted in a partnership between ACS GCI and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AltSep brings together innovators from industry, universities, and government to transform the way we meet industrial fluid separation needs. Progress on a technology roadmap made through a series of recent workshops has enabled the Roundtable to begin to move forward priority research areas as represented by the DOE award. Learn more at

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