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Wastes as Feedstocks is the New Reality

Honored Contributor
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Organizers: Se Ryeon Lee, Research Group Leader; Chad Landis, Research Associate; Kristin Nuzzio, Senior Research Chemist, PPG Industries

Converting an economy that is still largely linear (Take-Make-Dispose), to a circular economy where waste streams can be fed back into an industrial cycle will require new chemistries and innovative processes. The sources for recycling or repurposing can exist anywhere along the material lifecycle from industrial waste streams to post-consumer waste. Ideally, the recycling and repurposing could turn these waste streams into value streams for industry in the near future.

This session will focus on those new chemistries and processes that are necessary for repurposing waste streams both pre- and post-consumer.  It will also analyze already implemented projects as well as potential new science necessary to make a circular economy more feasible. In addition attendees will learn what is done with waste streams at the manufacturer level to make for an overall greener process and look at chemistries, processes, and regulatory issues in this area.

In addition this session will feature two in-depth talks from leaders in the field. Richard Engler of Bergeson & Campbell, PC will discuss the regulatory barriers to a circular economy, and Brian Riise of REMADE Institute will talk about the challenges and opportunities in developing a circular economy for plastics.

We hope you will join us for this exciting discussing on this important and intriguing topic!


This session will take place at the 23rd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference/9th International Conference on Green & Sustainable Chemistry on Thursday, June 13 from 9:45 AM to 12:30 PM at The Hyatt Regency Reston, VA.