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New Contributor II

Green Chemistry, Decarbonizing

I am presenting my perspective as I did not know where to post. If someone can direct me, it will be just wonderful. Thank you!

I am sure most of us have heard and/or read about “Green Chemistry (1998) ” (1), “Net Zero (2009)” (2) and then Decarbonizing” (3). Before we can tackle them we need to understand what do these mean and how they came about in chemical manufacturing processes needs to be understood. Before these words became in vogue environmental conservation has been the basic necessity of each process design and manufacture of every chemical but did not have high emphasis. Protecting our environment has been chemist and chemical engineer’s  legacy but the degree has varied. 

Please read the linked. Thank you! 

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2 Replies
New Contributor II

Re: Green Chemistry, Decarbonizing



Thank you for your suggestions. I have posted my perspectives on my blog, LinkedIn and various industry forums and shared them with Chemical Engineering, AIChE and ACS. 

I posted the linked on November 7, 2024. It might be of interest to you and other readers of this forum. 

It takes a whole village for an innovation to be developed, launched, and adopted.

— Edmund (Ned) Phelps, Nobel Laureate (3)

Act of solvent reduction for every chemical process begins from the day of chemistry inception/conception as there is no tomorrow. Tomorrow never arrives as it will come tomorrow.

 Thank you! 

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New Contributor II

Re: Green Chemistry, Decarbonizing

James Thank you! I have been posting my thoughts on LinkedIn and it’s various chemical and pharmaceutical related discussion forums as well as on AIChE websites. These posts are regularly sent to editors of C&E News, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Progress. 
I can take the horse to the water but can’t have him drink it. 
My conjecture is what I am suggesting which I have practiced in my 55+ years career is not Main Street or mainstream. 
Linked might be of interest.
Thank you! 


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