One of my favorite features on the ACS Network is email alerts. Email alerts are email messages that are sent to your email in-box when new content is posted on the Network. The email alert identifies the person who contributed content, the forum or group where the content was posted and the actual discussion, comment or document (link) that was posted in the Network. Email alerts help you stay connected with the latest discussions without having to log on to the Network. But here’s the best part, you can hit reply to the email and your response will automatically be posted on the ACS Network. This functionality is native to the ACS Network, so you can respond to alerts using your preferred email application including your mobile devices (e.g. Blackberry, iPhone,etc).
You can set alerts to follow specific discussions or choose to follow all discussions in the groups or forums of your choice. Simply click on the “Receive email notification” link in the "Actions" box that appears on each page to toggle your preference to Receive or Stop email notifications.

As a network administrator, I receive lots of alerts. So, I've set up a rules in Outlook to automatically move my ACS Network email alerts to an ACS Network folder. The rule that I set up looks for email when it arrives from communities@acs.organd moves it to an ACS Network Communities folder in Outlook.