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Opting out of the ACS Network

Opting out of the ACS Network

Before you opt-out of the ACS Network, it is important to understand how this impacts your content and profile.

  • Your basic profile contains your name, city, state, country, and ACS Local Section and Technical Divisions (for ACS members).  No other information about you is available unless you enter it.

  • Once you opt-out, you will no longer appear in the search results for "People". You will no longer be able to log into the ACS Network to add, change or delete content. You will need to opt back in to perform these actions.

  • All of your profile information, including your profile picture and all information appearing the below it, will disappear. Should you decide to opt back into the ACS Network, that information will reappear.

  • Any social content you have created will remain. That means any documents, discussions, or blogs which you started, replied to, or commented on will remain on the Network.  Your postings will be attributed to you by name with an indication that your profile has been opted-out (e.g., John Smith (Opted-out))

  • Education, Experience, and Publication information that you created is social content and will remain unless you remove it prior to opting-out.

We encourage you to carefully consider opting out of the ACS Network.  We respect users' varying desires for privacy. You can choose how much information about yourself (after your name, city, state, local section and division) you wish to put onto the Network without opting out.

If you still want to opt out of the ACS Network, you will need to make the change on your ACS record. Alternatively, you may log into, and edit your profile there to change your opt-in status, email or postal address.

Unsure of how to log into and change your opt-in status? Check out our demo


Are you opting out because you think you don't have time to learn the ACS Network?  Read the benefits and how it can be a real time saver  in Benefits of the ACS Network - Why Learn this Tool?.