Welcome to the Lake Superior Local Section Home Page. We are a local chapter of the American Chemical Society located in Northwestern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota.
Student Chemistry Clubs If your chemistry club has ideas for chemistry-related activities and needs some financial support your local section would be happy to help! Simply fill out the form in the link below and email it to the local section chair. Student Club Grant application
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This blog post is intended to act as an example announcement. You can use blog posts to display critical information (announcements) you want section members and site users to see immediately upon navigating to the home page. This tile will show blog posts in reverse-chronological order. To create a blog post, select "Blog Post" from the "actions" drop down list or follow this link: https://communities.acs.org/blog/create-post.jspa?containerType=37&containerID=4493&draftID=37611
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Section Officers Chair Dr. Timothy M. Trygstad 2019 Chair-Elect Dr. James W. Lane 2019 Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Paul J. Stein 2009 - 2019 Councilor Dr. Donald K. Harriss 2017-2019 Alternate Councilor Dr. Keith B. Lodge 2018 - 2020
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