Lehigh Valley Local Section - Page 3

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Lehigh Valley Local Section - Page 3

Welcome to the Lehigh Valley Local Section Blog! Here you can find announcements and blog posts related to section activities and other information.
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Check out "LVACS Undergrad Career Saturday" Feb 18 from 2-3pm
Greglynn Gibbs, ACS Career Consultant, helps you with Your Resume and How to Apply for Internships and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs). Free but register for the link:


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February 16th Section Meeting is at Lafayette College

Visualizing α-Synuclein in Neurodegeneration: From all-atom simulations to in vivo imaging

ABSTRACT: Fibrillar aggregates of the neuronal protein α-synuclein are a hallmark of Parkinson's disease and related neurodegenerative disorders.  However, a causative role for α-synuclein aggregation in these diseases has not been clearly identified. In order to understand the aggregation process, our laboratory uses a multidisciplinary approach, including computational approaches combining molecular simulations and machine learning models, synthesis of α-synuclein bearing post-translational modifications and photochemical probes, single molecule biophysics, structural biology, cellular and animal models for microscopy and proteomics, and development of positron emission tomography (PET) probes for clinical imaging.  Several projects will be discussed, highlighting the value of a multi-faceted and collaborative approach.

Speaker: James Petersson, U. Penn
James Petersson completed his undergraduate education at Dartmouth College and his graduate study under Dennis Dougherty at the California Institute of Technology. After receiving his Ph.D. in 2005, he was an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University with Alanna Schepartz. He joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania in 2008 and the Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Graduate Group in the Perelman School of Medicine in 2013. His research has been recognized by several awards, including the Searle Scholar, an NSF CAREER award, and a Sloan Fellowship.


Social Hour:  5:30 pm – 6:00 pm; Dinner:  6:00 pm – 7:00 pm         

Marquis Hall, Clay Ketchum Room
Meeting:  7:00 pm – 8:30 pm                 

Acopian Engineering Center, Room 511
Menu/Cost:  $25 professionals, $15 students 

RESERVATIONS [by February 10th]:
Deborah Bastinelli, 610-330-5213, bastined@lafayette.edu

PARKING: Markle Parking Deck
CONTACT: Mike Bertucci, bertuccm@lafayette.edu

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Check out "LVACS Undergrad Career Saturday"! 
Greglynn Gibbs, ACS Career Consultant, helps you with Your Resume and How to Apply for Internships and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs)

Career Saturday February 18 2023.png

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WebMOserver_Client.pngJanuary Section Meeting - Moravian University
Thursday, January 19th, 5:30-8:30pm
Workshop: Bringing Computational Chemistry into the Classroom
Priscilla Payne Hurd Academic Complex
1130 Monocacy St, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Heidi Hendrickson, Lafayette College
Carl Salter, Moravian University
Lorena Tribe, PSU/Berks
5:30 Social; 6:00 Dinner; 7:00 Workshop
Dinner Cost : $30/member, $15/student
June Thompson, 610-861-1425, thompsonj03@moravian.edu
Driving Directions/Parking:
CONTACT: Carl Salter, csalter@moravian.edu

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The newly-elected LVACS Officers for 2023 are: Philip Elias, chair-elect, Sherman Cox, treasurer and Nigel Sanders, secretary. Philip, who graduated from Muhlenberg College last spring and now works at Evonik in Allentown, has been very active in community outreach events. Sherman, just retiring in December from a long career at Minerals Technologies Inc. in Hanover Township, has been LVACS treasurer before (in the 1990s!) and brings a wealth of experience in many areas of chemistry and chemical engineering. They join Steve Boyer, chair, Lindsey Welch, past chair, Jeanne Berk and Kelley Caflin, councilors and Mike Bertucci and Ned Corcoran, alternate councilors. Come out to our meetings in 2023 and meet your LVACS governance team in person! Check us out on: www.lvacs.org

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We invite you to apply to the Institute for Future PUI Faculty (IFPF), an NSF-funded program at Lafayette College.  It is an immersive training program for graduate & postdoctoral students interested in pursuing a career at a teaching-focused institution.  Participants will travel to Lafayette for 2 weeks, all expenses paid, from April 10th - 22nd, 2023 The deadline to apply is December 9th, 2022.  More information and the application can be found on the program website: https://sites.lafayette.edu/puiinstitute/

If you have any questions, please contact the program director, Michael Bertucci, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Lafayette College (bertuccm@lafayette.edu)

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Ever wonder what you could do with your chemistry degree or how to make yourself marketable to employers? Come to career night to network with companies in the Lehigh Valley about career paths, employment, internship opportunities and the application process.

Greglynn.pngOur local section's ACS Career Consultant, Greglynn Gibbs, will be available to tell us more about ACS member career growth support and how to chart the next steps in your job search!


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PSULV New Center 2022.pngThursday, November 17th, 5:30-9:00pm

Penn State / Lehigh Valley, New Charles W. Dent STEM Wing, 2809 Saucon Valley Road, Center Valley, Pennsylvania 18034

Register: https://us17.list-manage.com/survey?u=ed77fd9d589d77e94b89a1944&id=9a96e6a68a&attribution=false

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Mole Day Event: Thursday, October 20th
Lehigh University, Neville 2, 5:30-8:00pm
Talk: ‘Bioinspired Fibrous Materials for Medicine’
Speaker: Crystal Chu, Lehigh University


CONTACT: Steve Boyer, sboyer11@esu.edu

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Speaker: Kathryn Riley, Swarthmore


"Advances in Nanometrology: From Engineered to Incidental Nanomaterials"

Albright College Science Hall, Reading, PA 19604

Wednesday, October 5th

5:30 Social; 6:15 Dinner; 7:30 Meeting; 8:00 Presentation
Abstract and bio
RESERVATIONS: kkohl@albright.edu
$20 full members, $10 students, retired, and unemployed
**Vegan options available upon request
CONTACT: Matt Sonntag, msonntag@albright.edu

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Saint Josephs University.jpgJoin the Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley, Princeton and Trenton Local Sections of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for their Delaware Valley Leadership Institute on November 5th at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. The day long event will include the opportunity to choose two leadership courses developed for chemists from the ACS and enjoy a networking luncheon with other attendees. An optional happy hour will follow. Course offerings include Fostering Innovation, Collaborating Across Boundaries, Developing Communication Strategies, and Coaching and Feedback. Space is limited and tickets start at $20 for students or $50 for members. To join us, register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/delaware-valley-leadership-development-institute-tickets-412534510827

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Registration is now open for the Lehigh Valley Symposium on CRISPR Implementation and Ethics (LV-SCIE)! It is an interdisciplinary gathering of scientists, humanists, researchers, students, and members of the Lehigh Valley community to discuss the implications of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology. The LV-SCIE will take place on Saturday, Sept 17, 2022 at Lafayette College from 8:00am until 5:00pm.

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MPI BFTV logos and mussels on rock.pngThursday, September 15th; 5:00-8:00 pm; Ben Franklin Tech Ventures, Bethlehem, PA

Our meeting theme is “Adhesives at the Beach: Characterization, Synthetic Mimics, and Commercialization of Marine Biological Materials” and is co-hosted by Mussel Polymers, Inc., a Ben Franklin Tech Ventures incubator start-up company. Prof. Jonathan Wilker, Purdue University, will describe how biological systems, such as mussels, barnacles and oysters, inspire his research group to discover new chemistries which can be applied in adhesion and other fields. Based on Jon's work, Mussel Polymers, Inc. develops adhesives and related systems for wet, high moisture, and low-energy surfaces. MPI's solutions are based on Poly Catechol Styrene (PCS), a proprietary synthetic polymer that mimics the structure of the natural adhesive used by mussels to anchor themselves to substrates in the ocean. REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lvacs-september-meeting-co-hosted-by-mussel-polymers-inc-registration-405867238837

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Lehigh Valley Local Section won FOUR (4) Chemluminary Awards at the ACS Fall 2022 Meeting!

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Networking Social and Wine Tasting, Saturday, July 16th 2022 5-8 pm

Sorrenti Vineyards
130 Lower Cherry Valley Road
Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Our July wine-tasting social and networking opportunity, held to mark the 95th anniversary of the WCC, is shaping up! 

ALL members are invited to attend. Bring a +1! 
The first 10 members to arrive will get complimentary wine tasting. Everyone is welcome to purchase wine tastings or just wine and food from the attached restaurant. 

REGISTER: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmRwzUWO_KjnXZPg1Y2dmcefykcY95W2UJKT0VBKaPIxz9CA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

CONTACTS: Lorena Tribe, lut1@psu.edu 
or Nigel Sanders, nigel53.sanders@gmail.com

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