Welcome to the Mojave Desert Local Section Home Page. Our section encompasses the geographical area from Bishop to Rosamond, California. We are one of the 189 Local Sections of the American Chemical Society. ACS Local Sections promote public awareness of chemistry by being involved in community outreach programs and by working with students of chemistry and science. We hope to encourage an interest in the chemical sciences.
If you areinterested in becoming more active in our local section please e-mail MojaveDesertACS@aol.com to be included on our "volunteers list." Our section can only do as many activities as we have volunteers to help coordinate! If you have an idea or activity that you would like to see implemented in our section volunteer to help coordinate it and help make your dream into reality.
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Earth Day 2010 Poem Contest Congratulations to Cody Dekker on his winning illustrated poem entry! We would like to congratulate the following winners of the 2010 Kern County Regional Science Fair - Good Luck at State! High School (Grade 9-12) CHEMISTRY First Place - Donald Mathis - Desert High Second Place - Sara Ege - Desert High Middle School (Grades 6-8) CHEMISTRY First Place - Rachael Metzger - Edison Middle School Second Place - C. Jared Lampson - Endeavour Elementary Third Place - Alexander Pierce-Taylor - El Tejon School PHARMACOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY First Place - Irfan Habib - Warren Jr. High Second Place - Caitlinn Despot - Chavez Elementary Third Place - Shreya Banerjee - Warren Jr. High THERMODYNAMICS First Place - Madeline Kuney - Stockdale Christian Second Place - Kaleb Kingston - Endevour Elementary Third Place - Mackenzie Boles - Downtown Elementary KINETICS First Place - Madison Schoettmer - California City Middle Second Place - Denny Biju - Freedom Middle Third Place - Danitzia Angulo - Burke Elementary
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Mojave Desert Officers Chair Dr. Aleksander Romich 2018-2019 Chair-Elect Dr. Patrick Fedick 2019 Secretary Dr. Jessica Cash 2019 Treasurer Dr. Gregory Ostrom 1992-2019 Councilor Dr. Peter Zarras 2019-2021 Alternate Councilor Position Vacant 2019
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Any blog post created will be automatically displayed on the 'Home' page in the widget titled "Announcements". This is a good place to post information about upcoming events, meetings, and other news. To create a blog post follow this link: https://communities.acs.org/blog/create-post.jspa?containerType=37&containerID=4446
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