I live in the Detroit area and looking for other chemists for networking. I have a chemist degree but not currently working in my field. I'm originally from Indiana. Job info would be great but not necessary. Just a love for the sciences.
Hi Cindy - What type of networking? Are you involved with the Detroit local section? I know many members and they have mtgs once per month and could even use volunteer help. On of the best ways to "network" is to volunteer to do something - you meet all sorts of interesting people as you carry out your tasks. I'm in the U.P., but am in Detroit a few times per year. Also plan to attend CERM May 15-17, 2013 in Mt. Pleasant MI. I'm also involved in SCHB division of Small Chemical Businesses and we have a page on Facebook and LinkedIn, feel free to join. What are your professional and other interests? I hope this helps!...Joe
Good day, Joseph. Yasterday, I received the good news from Linkedin for Nanotechnology /New IP of Nano/ for Home appliance, for Polymers, for Real Estate and Design / Green Technology/. I have one of the top 5% most viewed profiles for 2012 year. Deep Nishar . Senior Vice President , Products & User Experience , Linkedin . Best Regards, Sergey .