Joe, there is much coming out of the combined forces of CEC, which combines SCHB (your home Division), BMGT, COMSCI, WCC and NCIIA forces. We will shortly have a roadmap of programming and activities and events happening at the San Diego National meeting for the "entrepreneurial track" for our members. We will also be sending daily highlights to those members unable to attend the national meeting so they have info readily at hand. Please speak with Carlyn Burton and Stan Seelig (SCHB Reps to the Chemical Entrepreneurship Council - CEC) for further details. See you in San Diego! Janet
From: Stephanie Davis MS
Hello. ACS should help as much s possible. The business environment is very much different from the lab environment. I have a biochemical startup based in NY . Fundraising , networking can be challenging challenging .
Yes I agree with that and It will be a great help for new entrepreneurs.
We have what we think are wonderful sensors which work very well in the lab for over 150 analytes, in many cases with amazing sensitivity, parts per trillion. These sensors can detect such analytes in water and many in gases. These are covered by US patents 7354770 [sorry for the typo above] and also 7892495 with others pending and bring developed. I have been to Pittcon several times, the last time with a hand held prototype, and had a offer to manufacture them at a couple hundred dollars each, but being at a relative new universtiy, we do not have much infrastructure for adding the remainder of the pieces needed to make a business using these IPs. These IPs and technologies could be split into a variety of businesses. Are there folks that would like to get involved and help us?
Contact me at