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2022 National Chemistry Week Illustrated Poem Contest

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The Southwest Georgia Local Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) is sponsoring an illustrated poem contest for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade with the topic: Fabulous Fibers!

Contest Deadline: October 22nd, 2022

Prizes: Local Prize $50 for student and teacher on each category

Write and illustrate a poem using the NCW theme, “Fabulous Fibers.”    Your poem must be no more than 40 words and in the following styles to be considered:

                         HAIKU  -  LIMERICK  -  ODE  -  ABC POEM  -  FREE VERSE  -  END RHYME  -  BLANK VERSE

                Possible topics related to the theme include: Natural Fibers, Synthetic Fibers, Polymers, Chemical Synthesis, Dyeing fabrics, Properties of Fabrics, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic

  More information at our Facebook page: Science Saturday Chemistry at VSU

                Detailed rules in attachment below!

  • All poems must be no more than 40 words, and in one of the following styles to be considered: Haiku, Limerick, Ode, ABC poem, Free verse, End rhyme, and Blank verse.
  • Entries are judged based upon relevance to and incorporation of the yearly topic (the 2022 theme is Fabulous Fibers: The Chemistry of Fabrics), the word choice and the imagery, colorful artwork, adherence to poem style, originality and creativity, and overall presentation.
  • All entries must be original works without aid from others. Physical drawings may be scanned or captured via camera and submitted digitally. Illustrations may be created using crayons, watercolors, other types of paint, colored pencils, or markers.
  • The illustration may also be electronically created by using a digital painting and drawing app on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. If the illustration is created using a digital painting or drawing app, the name of the program must be included on the entry form.
  • The text of the poem should be easy to read and may be typed before the hand-drawn or digital illustration is added, or the poem may be written on lined paper, which is cut out and pasted onto the unlined paper with the illustration.
  • No clipart or unoriginal images can be used.
  • Only one entry per student will be accepted.
  • Students must be sponsored by a school or another sponsoring community group (e.g., Homeschool Association, Boys and Girls Club, Scout Troop, 4-H, etc.).
  • All illustrated poems and/or digital representations of the poems become the property of the American Chemical Society.
  • Acceptance of prizes constitutes consent to use winners’ names, likenesses, and entries for editorial, advertising, and publicity purposes.
  • Submit your drawing with a completed entry form.
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