Wabash Valley ACS
Executive Committee Meeting
March 7, 2023
The meeting was held via Zoom. Eric Glendening, Richard Fitch, Larry Rosenhein, Mark Brandt, Ryan Van Hoveln, Teresa Tarbuck, Alexander Kamasah, and Yizhou Xie, and Toni Eagleson were present. The meeting started at 7:00 pm.
- Since this was a new board, everyone introduced themselves.
- Education Night
It was determined that April 17 or 24 would be the best time for Education Night. Awards given at this event will be determined in the next few weeks. Eric will find a speaker. The IU Outreach suggested was not considered the best choice because it has graduate students in charge and is more for local schools. Other thoughts for speakers are Midwest Compliance Laboratory (if still around) and Crane. The speaker needs to deliver a presentation for a general audience. A meal and travel costs will be covered. Mark Brandt will find a room for this at Rose Hulman. Toni Eagleson will send an email out once the date and speaker has been determined. Larry Rosenhein thought we should send mail a flyer to all of our members. Toni will make a flyer to do that as long as there is enough time to make that practical. Larry offered to fold the flyers and help get them posted in the mail. The cost of the meal was decided to be the same as it was in the past at $5. Mark would like to give a food count two weeks before the program.
3. Bylaw Change
Richard Fitch reported that there has not been any work on creating a change to our bylaws to increase the at large member total to six. Eric wondered why there needed to be a cap. More on this to come later.
4. Summer Recruitment Event
Eric would like to have an event this summer to help us recruit new ACS members especially from industry. Suggests were a cookout or a program to recognize the “Chemist of the Year”.
The next meeting will be via zoom either on March 28 at 7 pm. Rick made a motion and Larry seconded to approve the minutes from the November 15 meeting. The minutes were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05.
Minutes Prepared by Toni Eagleson